2021 POL Prize Winners Announced

We are delighted to announce the results of the 2020-2021 POL Prizes.

Jennifer Atkinson is the winner of the POL Prize, selected by Patricia Spears Jones, for A Gray Realm the Ocean. She is the author of five collections of poetry—most recently The Thinking Eye, from Free Verse Editions/Parlor Press. Individual poems have appeared in various journals including Copper Nickel, Image, Cincinnati Review, and  december. She teaches in the MFA and BFA programs at  George Mason University in Virginia.

Alison Powell is the winner of the POL Editor’s Prize for Boats in the Attic. She is a poet, essayist, and scholar. She is the author of On the Desire to Levitate (Ohio University Press, 2014) and The Art of Perpetuation (Black Lawrence Press, 2020). Her work has appeared in A Public Space, Black Warrior Review, Boston Review, Crazyhorse, jubilat, on poets.org, and elsewhere. She is Associate Professor of English and Creative Writing at Oakland University and lives with her husband, son, and daughter in metro Detroit.

Their books will be published by Fordham Press in Fall 2022. 


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