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Feature: Julian Talamantez Brolaski

Join us for a virtual poetry reading with Julian Talamantez Brolaski. There will also be a Q&A with poet/performer Prof. Tracie Morris after the reading.

Julian Talamantez Brolaski is a poet and musician, the author of Of Mongrelitude (Wave Books 2017), Advice for Lovers (City Lights 2012) and gowanus atropolis (Ugly Duckling Presse 2011), and coeditor of NO GENDER: Reflections on the Life & Work of kari edwards (Litmus Press 2009). Julian is the lead singer and songwriter in Juan & the Pines, and lives in Chumash territory in Goleta, California. CART will be provided.

March 12

Feature: Shelagh Patterson

April 23

Feature: Jody Gladding